Inpatient vs. Outpatient Detox
When searching for a treatment solution, many people wonder which level of care is right for them. Which is more affordable, more flexible, and more accessible? The choice between outpatient vs inpatient detox depends on your needs and circumstances. Check out the chart below to determine which is right for you.

What is Inpatient Detox?
Inpatient detox requires clients to live on the center’s grounds for the duration of treatment—typically a period ranging from three to ten days. During this time, they will receive on-site care from professionals but will also be isolated from friends, family members, pets and coworkers. While this can help some people focus on recovery, it creates challenges for those with vital obligations.
What is Outpatient Detox?
As our name implies, Acworth Outpatient Detox specializes in outpatient detoxification. Our services are ideal for those seeking to maintain their freedom during treatment. We have crafted a series of protocols that can be delivered each day for just a few hours, ensuring that you have time to take care of work, kids, school, pets, and any other obligations that matter to you.
We strive to offer treatment that makes sense in the real world—not just in rehab. In addition to managing your symptoms, the AOD team provides recovery programming that will equip you to stay sober for years to come.
Listed below are some specific benefits of an outpatient detox program. You’ll notice affordability, flexibility, and seamless integration among them.
Ability to go home and maintain your independence |
Strict scheduling and on-site living with restrictions |
Low Cost
Affordable treatment that meets your needs |
High Cost
Residential care can cost thousands of dollars |
Ability to Work
Keep prioritizing your career while you get well |
Take a leave of absence or leave your job |
Remain actively involved with your kids, spouse, friends, and pets |
Lose access to your phone and reduce communication with loved ones |
Flexible Scheduling
Design a treatment plan that accounts for child and pet care |
No Flexibility
Enroll in an inpatient program and stay on site for 30 days |
Preparing for Detox: A Note About Your Environment
When considering the debate of outpatient vs inpatient detox, we believe your home environment is important to consider. If you live in a supportive setting with family members who are on board with your recovery, outpatient treatment may be the right choice for you.
Inpatient or Outpatient?
If you’re worried about your substance use, we can help. Detox can be discreet, affordable, and easy. Acworth Outpatient Detox helps those in the greater Atlanta area to find recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. Contact us today to learn more about our unique, effective approach.