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stay sober after detox

How to Stay Sober After Detox

Detoxification is a crucial first step in overcoming addiction by providing a stable, controlled environment to cleanse your body of addictive substances. However, this phase

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at-home detox kits

Drug Detox Kits

Detoxification is the initial step in many people’s sobriety goals. When confronted with a potentially uncomfortable experience, the allure of quick fixes like at-home drug

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is marijuana addictive

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Though many people believe marijuana is less harmful than other drugs, considerable debate remains over its potential for addiction. Known scientifically as cannabis, the marijuana

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at-home detoxification

How to Get Sober Fast

Time is often of the essence in addiction treatment. The prospect of waiting for an available spot in a residential treatment facility can be discouraging

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what is delirium tremens

What Are DTs?

People who abuse alcohol for an extended period expose themselves to multiple health risks, including organ damage and mental health challenges like depression. Ironically, quitting

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drug withdrawal symptoms

Drug Withdrawal

If you’ve used drugs like alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines for a long time, you may discover that quitting or tapering off is more challenging than

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